Lesson 4, Topic 2
In Progress

Safety online

Lesson Progress
0% Complete

You should always think carefully about your actions online.

  • Do not give out personal information about yourself online. This includes your name, where you live or your telephone number.
  • Never agree to meet someone that you have met online. If you do not know the person in ‘real life’, tell your teachers or Homestay family about anyone who is asking to meet you.
  • Talk to your Homestay family or parents first about pictures you want to post online, whether they be of yourself or your friends and family members.
  • Do not respond to messages you receive that are mean or speaking meanly about others. Tell your teachers, Homestay family or parents about these messages.
  • Do not give out any of your passwords to friends or anyone you meet online.
  • Check with your teachers, Homestay family or parents first before downloading or installing any software on your computer.
  • Ensure privacy settings are turned on.
  • Always be kind of others online. Do not do anything that may hurt others including joining in conversations discussing other people’s problems.
  • Be careful about discussing details about your own personal problems with your friends online. It is better to speak to them in person. Tell your teachers, Homestay family or parents if you are struggling with something.
  • Remember that the rules for online safety also apply to texting on your phone.
  • Agree to computer rules set up by your Homestay family, your parents or teachers.
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