Lesson 10, Topic 1
In Progress

Terms and Conditions

Homestay Program Terms and Conditions

The Terms and Conditions of the John Paul College Homestay Program complement the Homestay Program Standards and other documentation that Applicants receive during the Homestay Applicant Screening Process.

Each Homestay Provider must:

  • be 25 years of age or over;
  • be a citizen or Permanent Resident of Australia;
  • reside in the same address as students; and
  • speak English in the home

Working with Children

Homestay Providers must ensure that all residents 18 years of age or over maintain a valid Queensland Working with Children Check (Blue Card). This excludes International Students 18 years and above attending John Paul College.

Should a Provider or any additional household members’ eligibility to hold a Blue Card change, the Provider must notify the College immediately.

Duty of Care and Suitability

Homestay Providers must remain suitable to host international students under 18 years of age as per the Suitability Declaration. If there is a change in suitability, Homestay Providers must inform the College immediately.

Homestay Providers must remain able and willing to provide duty of care to international students under 18 years of age as per the Duty of Care Declaration.

John Paul College endeavours to ensure only two Homestay students from John Paul College or any other institution are placed in a Homestay residence at the same time. At times, the College may, at its discretion, agree to a third student being placed in the home. The number of Homestay Provider’s children will also be taken into account.

Safety and Medical


Homestay Providers must notify the College immediately if:

  • Providers suspect or become aware that a student has been harmed, or is at risk of harm in the Homestay Program;
  • a student reports to a Provider that he/she or any other student in the Homestay Program has been harmed, or is at risk of harm; or
  • Providers suspect or become aware that a student in the Homestay Program is at risk of engaging in unlawful or inappropriate sexual conduct.


As per the Duty of Care Declaration, Homestay Providers are to act in the best interest of students at all times. Providers must ensure timely and appropriate action regarding medical, emergency matters and critical incidents. Out of hours, for an emergency only, the John Paul College Student Assistant Hotline number 1800 024 157 should be used by Homestay Providers.

Homestay Providers must notify the College if students suffer harm, illness or injury.

Reporting Non-Critical Incidents

Incidents that do not require urgent and immediate action to protect the wellbeing of the students must be reported to the College by the following working day.

Residence Assessments

John Paul College conducts three different types of residence inspections:

  • initial Homestay assessments as part of the College screening process;
  • follow up on-site assessments every twelve months. The College will also verify the suitability of Homestay residences biannually. This verification may involve a physical residence inspection which will be completed at a minimum, annually;
  • urgent assessments (for example unexpected change in the homestay household, potential concerns regarding students’ welfare).

Homestay Providers must allow John Paul College representatives access to Homestay residences for purposes connected with student welfare, support and visa compliance. The College will provide at least 14 days’ written notice. In the event of a critical incident or an emergency, Homestay Providers must allow the College to inspect their home immediately, if deemed necessary.

Homestay Providers who move house must provide access for an assessment of the new household 14 days’ before moving. If this cannot be achieved, students will be temporarily relocated until the new household is deemed suitable.

Homestay Providers must provide 14 days’ written notice of any plans to change a household materially in a way that might affect its suitability to house international students.

Homestay Inductions and Information Sessions

John Paul College runs compulsory inductions and information sessions for Homestay Providers. The College will provide as much notice as possible to ensure Homestay Providers can attend or complete any necessary processes.

Reference Checks

The College contacts referees of Primary and Secondary Applicants as part of the Homestay Applicant Screening Process. Homestay Applicant referees must not be related to the Applicant and must have known the Applicant for at least twelve months.

The College also contacts other institutions for whom you provide accommodation services.


Accommodation Provider and International Student personal information is collected, used and disclosed for purposes connected to provision of education (including enrolment), student welfare, support and visa compliance. This information may also be disclosed to third parties to the extent required to facilitate the provision of those services or as otherwise authorised by law. Third party recipients may include an International Student’s Parent or Guardian, International Agent and/or State or Commonwealth Agencies. Personal and sensitive information is obtained and maintained in accordance with the John Paul College Privacy Policy.

By submitting the Homestay Provider Expression of Interest Form and/or upon signature of these Terms and Conditions, Homestay Applicants consent to the above privacy information.

Security, Smoke Alarms and Swimming Pool Compliance

Homestay Providers must ensure that smoke alarms are installed and maintained in accordance with Queensland legislation. The College requires pool owners to have a Queensland Pool Safety Certificate. Pool Safety Certificates must be kept up-to-date with new copies sent to the College.  For more information about current and future requirements, please see the following links.

Smoke alarms: https://www.qfes.qld.gov.au/prepare/fire/smoke-alarms/existing-properties

Swimming pools: http://www.hpw.qld.gov.au/construction/BuildingPlumbing/PoolSafety/Pages/default.aspx

Homestay Providers must ensure that households are kept secure to protect student belongings and personal wellbeing.

Other Residents

Homestay Providers must provide the College with current information about all residents of the household. Providers must inform the College, in advance, if someone moves in or out. Residents 18 years of age or over must complete the Homestay Applicant Screening Process, before they move into the household.

Transport and Travel

Homestay Providers must ensure that students are transported safely, including public transport. Students are not permitted to use rideshare services such as Uber.

Homestay Providers transporting students by car must have an open Queensland Driver Licence and full comprehensive insurance. The vehicle must be roadworthy and fully registered.

If the Homestay Provider collects students from an airport, the Provider must notify the College as soon as possible once the student is in the Provider’s care.

Moving a Student

Move by John Paul College

John Paul College may move a student out of a Homestay Provider household when it is deemed appropriate by the College. If the circumstances do not present risks to the health and/or safety of the student and are otherwise not of a time sensitive nature, the College will endeavour to provide Homestay Providers with 14 days’ written notice.

John Paul College reserves the right to remove students from Provider households immediately if deemed appropriate by the College. This could be due to, but not limited to, the following:

  • a breach of the Homestay Program Standards, Terms and Conditions, the Suitability Declaration, the Duty of Care Declaration or any other Homestay document;
  • the College suspects or becomes aware that students may be, will be or have been at risk of harm;
  • Homestay Providers (including residents) fail to maintain current Working with Children Checks;
  • Homestay Providers fail to provide and maintain current and accurate information; or
  • Other emergency situations.

Move Requested by Homestay Provider

If Homestay Providers are unable to continue hosting current students, Providers must provide the College with at least 28 days written notice. Unless there are exceptional circumstances, the College will endeavour to move students as soon as possible.

In the case of unforeseen urgent circumstances, the College will work with Providers to reach a solution promptly.

Information and Communication

With the exception of critical incidents or other emergencies, the primary form of communication between the College and Homestay Providers is via email. ‘Written notice’ in this document primarily refers to email correspondence. Homestay Providers must be able to liaise with the College via email. At times, the College may use additional mediums to communicate with Providers such as phone, SMS and face-to-face sessions.

Academic information is accessed via JPConnect which is essential for student support. Homestay Providers are provided with the appropriate login information.

Emergencies and Critical Incidents

1. Call 000 in an emergency

2. Call 1800 024 157 (JPC after-hours emergency hotline)

Homestay Provider Information

Homestay Providers must ensure that the College holds correct, complete and current information about the household, residents and Blue Card eligibility.

Homestay Provider Withdrawal and Absence from the Homestay Program

Providers wishing to withdraw from the Program can do so at any time by providing 14 days’ written notice if not currently hosting students. Providers currently hosting students need to provide 28 days’ written notice.

Should a Provider be inactive for 12 months or longer, the Provider will need to complete the Expression of Interest process again as a new Applicant.


Homestay Providers in breach of the Homestay Program Standards, Terms and Conditions, the Suitability Declaration, the Duty of Care Declaration or any other Homestay document shall be given written notice explaining the breach and what must be done to remedy the breach.

The College may suspend Providers from the Program until a remedy has been actioned and verified by the College. If a Provider is suspended, any students will be moved from the residence. Homestay Providers do not receive Homestay payments while suspended.

Termination and Cancellation

The College may immediately cancel Homestay Provider registration in the Homestay Program if the Provider:

  • fails to provide a suitable remedy following suspension; and/or
  • is repeatedly in breach of the Terms and Conditions and Homestay Program Standards.

John Paul College reserves the right to cancel Provider registration in the Homestay Program without cause by providing:

  • at least 14 days’ written notice if not currently hosting students; or
  • at least 28 days’ written notice if currently hosting students.

Students deemed at risk by the College will be moved immediately.

Release, Discharge and Indemnity

Homestay Providers release, discharge and indemnify the College (including College employees, contractors, volunteers and agents) against all liability, loss, costs and expenses (including legal fees, costs and disbursements) (“Claims”) arising from, or incurred, in connection with Provider participation or student participation in the Homestay Program, except to the extent that the Claims were caused or contributed to by College negligent acts or omissions.


While John Paul College takes all care in selecting students, the College does not accept any responsibility for damage or loss incurred by the Homestay Provider attributed to the student. The College does not endorse any homestay insurance provider but does encourage Homestay Providers to seek appropriate insurance suitable for their circumstances, including liability insurance, building and contents insurance and relevant public liability insurance.

No Representation or Guarantee

John Paul College does not guarantee Homestay Providers students, or that students will stay with Providers during their studies at the College. Homestay Providers cannot enter the Program with any reliance on the College financially.

No Agency

John Paul College Homestay Providers must not act as agents of the College. For the avoidance of doubt, provision of services by a Homestay Provider does not create any agency, employer-employee relationship or partnership of any kind.  Homestay Providers including residents of the Homestay (whether or not a Volunteer of the College) are not an agent or employee of the College by virtue of this Agreement.

If a party to this Agreement consists of more than one person, those persons shall be jointly and severally bound under this Agreement.

Changes to Terms and Conditions and other Homestay Documents

From time to time, Homestay documents may be amended. In the event of substantial amendments, Homestay Providers will be notified by writing and/or information session. Continued participation after notification of the changes will be deemed as acknowledgement and agreement of the amendments.


Long-Term Students

Homestay Providers are reimbursed in arrears on the last Monday of every month for 48 weeks of a calendar year. Homestay Providers are reimbursed until a student moves out from the residence. The Homestay Program is normally closed in the last two weeks of the year and in the first two weeks of the following year.

In the event of overpayment, Homestay Providers must return any monies within 14 working days. The College may seek to recover any monies via alternative arrangements at its discretion.

Homestay Providers must not request any payment from students in any circumstances.

Short-Term Students

Homestay Providers are reimbursed in arrears either:

  • every 28 days of hosting students, or
  • when students leave the household.

In the event of overpayment, Homestay Providers must return any monies within 14 working days. The College may seek to recover any monies via alternative arrangements at its discretion.

Homestay Providers must not request any payment from students in any circumstances.


Homestay Providers should consider their financial circumstances. The College cannot offer any individual financial advice regarding taxation. Payments should be viewed as reimbursements for incurred costs such as board, food and transport to support students.