Lesson 5, Topic 6
In Progress

Assessment Moderation

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Assessment Moderation Process

Moderation is a vital part of the assessment process to ensure equity for all students. It is designed to check and inform judgements. Moderation occurs after Mid-term and End of Term Assessment completion. Student Prepared Assignment and/or Continuous Assessment may also be moderated for additional information from time to time. Moderation and final approval must occur before critical milestones are reached in the term.

  1. Which tasks get moderated?

Moderation takes place after Mid-term and End of Term assessment completion. The following writing (in-class) assessments are moderated by one other teacher:

– one sample of A, B, C and D for a Mid-term Writing assessment (per Class Level)

– one sample of A, B, C and D for an End of Term Writing assessment (per class)

On a case by case basis, the Deputy Head of International may also request samples for:

– any student who will receive a formal course progress letter (letter 2 or 4) in the Term,

– any repeating students,

– any at risk students i.e. a student’s pathway will change due to unsuccessful course progress

  1. Who moderates who?

Moderators for each Class Level will be allocated at the beginning of the term.

  1. How do I moderate?

Step 1:  The main English teacher uses the criteria rubric to mark the completed Core Assessment (Writing) Task in pencil (so that changes can be made if necessary, after moderation). Feedback can be completed on Marksbooks but no final grade is given until the moderation process is completed. The original criteria rubric for the Core Assessment (Writing) Task is kept with the main English teacher.

Step 2:  The Core Assessment Tasks (without the original marked criteria rubric) is given to the moderator. Names do not need to be removed. Another criteria rubric for each Core Assessment Task should be supplied for the moderator to use. The moderator then uses the criteria rubric to mark the assessment task.

Step 3:  The Moderator and main English teacher meet to discuss the criteria rubrics for the required Core Assessment Task. The English teacher brings the original criteria rubric and the moderator brings their criteria rubric to the meeting. Together, the teachers complete one Assessment Moderation Record JPIC for each required Core Assessment Task. The English teacher’s final criteria rubric mark is entered into the box labelled ‘English Teacher Overall Grade’. The Moderator’s final criteria rubric mark is entered into the box labelled ‘Moderator Teacher Overall Grade’. The Moderator and main English teacher then compare their criteria rubrics. Evidence and reasons for the criteria results are discussed.

Step 4: After discussing the criteria rubric results, the Moderator and main English teacher determine a final grade for each Core Assessment Task. The final grade is recorded in the box ‘Final Grade’. If the Moderator and the main English teacher cannot agree on a final grade then a short, clear description is to be noted in the comments section of the Assessment Moderation Record JPIC.  This will be checked by the Programme Coordinator (English Language).

Step 5: The moderated Core Assessment (Writing) Tasks are submitted to the Programme Coordinator (English Language) as per stipulated on the cover page of the Assessment Moderation Record JPIC. The Academic Team will review the moderated assessment and will approve all final grades. [Allow a few days for this process.]

Step 6: After the final grade has been approved by the Academic Team, all marks on the original criteria rubric must be converted to pen and returned to students. The moderated rubric and the Assessment Moderation Record JPIC is not to be returned to the student. It is to be filed in the students’ academic red folder. Details of the moderation should not be discussed with students.

Step 7: If the Core Assessment Task (Writing) is moderated up or down, then the main English teacher needs to modify the final grade on the students’ work and ensure the cohort’s marks are changed accordingly. Teachers need to ensure future marking matches the standard agreed upon at moderation. Moderated work does not change after moderation.