Lesson 5, Topic 4
In Progress

Assessment Conditions and Guidelines

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Assessment cover sheets for John Paul International College resemble John Paul College’s mainstream English cover sheets.  This is so that JPIC students can become familiar with the assessment requirements of the mainstream.   Teachers use the JPIC assessment cover sheet template when creating new assessment tasks.  There are two main templates.  One for Class Levels 1 to 3 and another for Class Levels 4 and 5. 

Assessment conditions must be clearly stipulated on the assessment cover sheet for each task.  Table 4 Assessment Conditions Guidelines outlines suggested conditions for each task type.  When writing assessment tasks, teachers should refer to these conditions and select the appropriate ones for each task and cohort of students.

Each assessment task must include the standard criteria rubric for that Class Level.  The criteria rubrics are based on the Learning Outcomes for each Class Level.

Reasonable Adjustments for Assessment

A student with a recognised disability or medical condition, with a current medical report created by a registered medical practitioner, is permitted to access special provisions as listed in Table 5: Special Provisions Guidelines for in-class assessment tasks. This list is not exhaustive and therefore if a disability or medical condition is not listed, special provisions can be requested through the Manager of Education and Administration

Assessment Absenteeism and Late submissions

Students who are absent on due dates or during assessment times must present a medical certificate upon return to school. Assessment must be submitted or completed the first lesson back after absence.  If no medical certificate is supplied the student will be awarded an E- result.

A student is awarded ‘Not Applicable’ (NA) only if special circumstances are approved by the Deputy Head of International Operations.  The approval confirms the assessment task was not applicable for the student in this case. This does not reduce the overall grade, instead the task is taken out of the overall grade.

Students who submit work past the due date will be awarded one less grade per day late i.e. if the assessment item is to achieve a B result, the late submission penalty would be one grade, meaning it would be a B- result.


Assessment Plagiarism

Teachers are to explicitly teach about plagiarism and use Turnitin submission as a teaching and learning tool. However, if an End of Term Prepared Assignment or other assessment task is submitted and is plagiarised, even after explicit plagiarism instruction, then a line is put through the plagiarised section of the assessment and only the remainder of the submitted assessment is marked against the criteria.  In most cases, the result is lower than what the student might be capable of achieving. If the student has not completed any work of their own, then they have not completed the task.  It is graded as a UA (Unable to Access). 

A student is awarded ‘Unable to Assess’ (UA) when an assessment task has not been submitted and therefore it has been impossible to assess against the criteria standards. This does not reduce the overall grade, instead the student has not completed the course requirements and therefore might not achieve the exit outcomes.

A student is awarded ‘Not Applicable’ (NA) only if special circumstances are approved by the Deputy Head of International Operations.  The approval confirms the assessment task was not applicable for the student in this case. This does not reduce the overall grade, instead the task is taken out of the overall grade.