Lesson 2, Topic 6
In Progress

Continuous Assessment and Additional Activities

Lesson Progress
0% Complete

In addition to the learning experiences in each Theme, students complete continuous assessment and additional activities to align with the main school. These include:

  • Formative tests and Mock tests (tests that help prepare students for Mid-Term, End of Term, Prepared Assignments or main school type tasks)
  • Writing on Demand (10 to 30 minutes of in-class writing on a topic or genre related to the Theme)
  • Cognitive Verbs (study one Cognitive Verb per week. See Table 5 2020 Cognitive Verb of the Week)
  • Daily Reading (read regularly using Wushka http://wushka.com.au/ and Graded Readers see Table 6 Recommended Reading Levels)
  • Vocabulary, spelling and meaning tests (lists of words related to the Theme, including spelling and meaning, should be studied through vocabulary lists, Quizlet quizlet.com or Spelling City www.spellingcity.com/ and tested in-class regularly)
  • Mini Grammar tests (Task related grammar should be studied and tested in-class regularly)
  • Soaring Tree (study one Character Strength per week in accordance with the college’s Positive Education and Well Being policy)