Lesson 4 of 6
In Progress


There are some items you should not forget when moving into homestay.

  • All of your clothes (underwear, pyjamas, shirts, shorts, pants, jacket, sunglasses, shoes etc.)
  • Personal items
  • Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste etc.)

You should speak to the Homestay Officer about any medication you bring with you.

What your Homestay will provide you


Homestay accommodation is to consist of a safe, secure, bedroom for your sole use with a comfortable bed including bed linen, storage space for clothes, personal effects and study materials, a study desk and good lighting and ventilation. The bedroom is recognised as a private area for you. House rules regarding cleanliness apply and you are required to keep your room clean and tidy. The study desk may be in another quiet area in the house.

Bathroom and Toilet

Your homestay will tell you if there is a convenient time for you to take a bath or shower and explain how to use the facilities. Unless agreed with your homestay, do not shower late at night as this is disruptive to others living in the home. Please remember water is precious in Australia – do not use it excessively – your homestay will talk to you about their guidelines regarding shower time.

Other areas of the home

You should have access to a shared or private bathroom, with reasonable time allowed for showers, access to kitchen, living areas and other shared areas of the home.


Laundry facilities. Most homestays will include your washing with their own. Please ensure you understand where you should put your dirty washing. The washing of bed linen, towels and clothing is included in the homestay payment. If you want to do your own washing talk to your homestay. (Do not hang wet washing in your bedroom.)


Three meals a day as well as some snacks and drinks are to be provided by the homestay. Tell your homestay if there is a food you particularly like / dislike. Do not leave uneaten food in your bedroom.


For most families this is usually a very rushed meal so, you are generally encouraged to help yourself to toast and cereal, tea, coffee, juice or milk.


Homestays are required to provide a healthy, wholesome packed lunch for you during the week. This lunch could include sandwiches with various fillings, fruit, biscuits, yoghurt. If you decide not to take lunch provided by your homestay, you can purchase food at the College Tuck Shop at your expense. Some homestays will provide food for you to make your own packed lunch.


This meal is regarded as the most important meal of the day. This is usually the time when the whole family comes together and discusses the day’s events and it is important for you to be involved.

If the homestay decides to eat a meal at a restaurant or another location instead of providing a meal at home, the homestay is responsible for any expenses that are incurred for this meal. If the homestay is away from the home during a mealtime, they should leave suitable food for you to eat.

Transport to and from school

Homestays are required to transport you to / from College or provide bus money / bus card at no cost to you.

– Please note you must always wear a seatbelt in a car. https://www.qld.gov.au/transport/safety/rules/road/seatbelt-rules
– Please see JPC Bus Routes: https://www.jpc.qld.edu.au/about-jpc/bus-routes
– Please note that you will need to be at least 16 years old to ride a personal mobility device, such as e-scooters and e-bikers, without adult supervision and you must wear a helmet. https://www.qld.gov.au/transport/safety/rules/wheeled-devices/personal-mobility-devices

Help with homework

Talk to your homestay if you are having problems with your homework, they will help you or, if necessary, contact your class teacher.

Care and support

Homestays are responsible for your care whilst you are living at their home. Your safety and welfare are important, and homestays are expected to monitor your behaviour. They will contact the Accommodation Officer, teacher, Head of Year or Head of School if they have any concerns.

You will be treated as part of the family and, if possible, be included in family outings and leisure activities.

You should not be left alone at home overnight or for long periods of time without any companionship from members of the family. You should always reside in your Homestay accommodation.

Your homestay should assist you to access any necessary medical, dental, hospital or other health-related services, including making appointments.

You do not need to pay for anything extra in Homestay, such as food or internet.